Thursday, February 11, 2010

everything is fair in love, its commerce n its strategies

apart frm peppy cupid-struck cushions, toys n greetin, lust struck couples cosin down in public parks, mobile network companies cashing in millions out of ds opportunity, an ever glaring media cooking breaking news and d senior section of d society brooding over ds newly found penchant for everything tagged "frm west"....there is still more to this fortnight of february...
valentine's day is a materpiece example of how human mind cn turn a natural evolution to the side that gives the maximum profit...
so boiling hot is d flavor of spring, st valentine cudnt hv thot he ud be contributing to moneymakers ds way....
a week long drama consists of hug day, rose day, promise day, etc(d mere idea of naming a day ds way gives me pangs).media constantly cringes for trps wd hour long shows on methods to celebrate d big day...all consumer brands r draped red...this seriously makes me think d real reason nebody ud celebrate valentine's day...wat for????to celebrate love???i dunt think if nebody 2day takes "love" seriously ud literaly "wait" for ds day to celebrate it...ds is a rarest case neways...i read smwhr its for making up n saying head spinned d moment i struck wd a logical contradiction-if nebody really felt sorry, y ud he luk at d calender n count 4 days left or is it lyk dere sm natural chemical reactions , d air is changed nd girls forget n forgive nebody lousy bastard dat comes her a matter of fact it is possible to a certain extent...coz its chemical reaction is nothing but d brand "valentine's day" has created for itself......
i ud hv been much more grateful if we had two independence days instead of one....or even if valentine's day came up wd just d celebration of love...
love in n unconditional way....loving ur school, ur locality, dat backyard neem tree or dat old tattered jeans u bought on sale,
loving d never die spirit of millions of indians, loving dat anonymous baratis wd band dancing wildly down d road at 3 am,or dat nosey auntyji whos survielliance surpasses fbi.....
loving ur frnd u played hidenseek wd, dat mother cooking roti in d kitchen or dat dad reading d morning newspaper....
ds is wat i call love n ds is wat shud be celebrated.....minus all commercials tactics dat sucks d very spirit of valentine's day...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

venus still deals with d second options...

dreaming of being an astronaught throughout childhood, i reluctantly switched to being n electronics engg...coz a former meant a word known as ''challenge'' smthing my homeland has deliberately strewn off d dictionary of d XX college isnt worth flaunting, nor is my naive head who has seemingly lost its existence along this 20 yr old life of emotional turmoils....
but wd d coming of m gaining my identification within..........i cn clearly define ME...describing all my limitless boundaries..................smtimes a storm cn wreck you, smtimes it just makes u a stronger contestant for d next unpredictable one.....
for all unspoken fires within me.......................i hv seen all forms of varied incarnations of my persona.......i hv suffered it all....yet i hv managed to go thru...